
To support the hours claimed, attorneys should attach to the voucher a detailed itemization of services, by date, and indicate the number of hours for each service and the rate claimed. Timesheets, worksheets, and explanatory memoranda are acceptable supporting documentation. Timesheets and worksheets also provide attorneys with convenient tools to distinguish among various applicable hourly rates for services provided.

Note: Timesheets/worksheets may be specific to a particular court or jurisdiction. Thus, attorneys should ensure they are using the applicable, current documents.

In a case in which the total compensation claimed is less than the statutory case compensation maximum, local rule, a standing order, or the presiding judicial officer may require counsel to submit a memorandum supporting and justifying the compensation claimed. [Guide, Vol. 7, § 230.30(a)]

In a case in which the total compensation claimed is more than the statutory case compensation maximum (see the Guide, Vol. 7, § 230.30(b)), the appointed attorney must submit with the voucher a detailed memorandum supporting and justifying the counsel's claim that: