The Judiciary Staff Travel Regulations also provide guidance for the situation where there are options for the method of transportation (e.g., driving versus flying). Those regulations require judiciary employees to select the method of transportation which will result in the greatest advantage to the judiciary, cost and other factors considered. Cost includes the cost of transportation to and from common carrier terminals and the cost of a Saturday night stay over. Other factors include distance, estimated travel time, and lost productivity. Consideration may also be given to energy conservation. [Guide, Vol. 19, § 440.20]

Government travel rates at substantial reductions from ordinary commercial rates may be available from common carriers such as airlines for travel authorized by the court in connection with representation under the Criminal Justice Act (CJA). CJA panel attorneys and other service providers are encouraged to use those carriers when, considering all relevant factors, it will result in the greatest cost savings to the judiciary. To obtain such rates, attorneys must contact the clerk of the court and obtain prior approval from the presiding judicial officer.

[Guide, Vol. 7, § 230.63.40] [Guide, Vol. 7, § 320.80.20] [Guide, Vol. 19, § 430.20.30]